Monday, December 18, 2017

Snow Day

It snowed in Austin for the first time in almost 4 years, earlier this month. Usually when it snows in Austin, it happens over night, but this time there were actual snow flurries falling down from the sky in the middle of the day. Unfortunately I didn't get to go outside and play while it was snowing, because I was working (booo!) but I did spend a good chunk of time crying on my way home, because everything looked so pretty. All of these pictures are from the next day, unfortunately all the snow was melting, but I still got some good shots.

And as usual, I had to take a lot of corgi shots. Fawkes and McCoy really liked playing in the snow, but they were not in the mood to take pictures.

So it was really only like an inch of snow and it had melted by noon, but as someone who has lived their whole life in an area that rarely snows, I get really excited by just a little bit. - Jessica

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