Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Natasha and Natalie

For my last shoot for my darkroom final I enlisted my friends, Natasha and Natalie, and we went to the Wildflower Center (which I blogged about here).  Here are my digital shots from that shoot.

Now that it's summer I can hopefully catch up on sharing all the photos I've taken over the past couple of months! - Jessica

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


I officially finished my first year of college last week and I have a good week and a half break before my summer class starts. As I've previously mentioned, I took my first actual photography class this semester and as a whole I feel that I've learned so much and as a result I feel confident about perusing photography has a profession. As a bit of a refresher, for my final project I wanted to photograph portraits of people that don't show the subject's face, in order to place an emphasize on translating emotion through body language. During the last couple of weeks of class, I feel that my project evolved a little and I'm really not sure of the direction it headed. One of the things I started trying was double exposures, and I still trying to figure out the meanings behind why I captured them and how they influenced my project. Well that's enough rambling, here are the group of photos I put up last week for my final critique.

Overall I'm extremely satisfied with my work from this semester and I'm looking forward to taking this darkroom class again next semester! - Jessica