I think I've blogged about Pentatonix enough on here for people to know that they are one of my favorite groups. I saw them last week on their world tour and it was my fourth time seeing them live. They're one of my favorite groups to see live, because they sound exactly like studio recordings. I never blogged about a single concert before but I decided as a celebration for a great night and for my 100th blog post I would.

My friend and I had meet and greet VIP upgrades so we showed up early to meet the band. We showed up so early that we actually ended up as the 3rd and 4th people in line, which was crazy and I was dangerously close to freaking out. Side note: last year for the On My Way Home tour I got meet and greet passes and while I was getting the autographs, I freaked out and just proceeded to stare at them attempting not to cry. For the photo, I knew I wanted to be beside Mitch and I got squished a little by his jacket, it was great. So this year was infinitely better, I actually managed to have a conversation with all of them, although I did ramble a little in front of Mitch.
^^This photo is terrible quality but proof of me talking to my fave, Mitch Grassi!
I got my vinyl sleeve of their self titled album signed and I'm still debating on how I'm going to display it, along with the poster and lament badge I got for meeting them.
For the concert, my friends and I had general admission tickets on the floor and our goal was to get as close as possible on the barrier on the right side of the stage, closer to where Mitch would be. Which is exactly where we ended up, there was so much anxiety between my friend and I over how we would get there, and we did end up running as soon as we were let in. The actual show was fantastic, Us the Duo opened and they were so talented and fun to watch. Pentatonix was absolutely perfect as always, it's so cool to watch as they have moved from YouTube videos to doing shows in front of 10,000+ people. So here's some of the photos I got during the show, they're all taken with my phone so the quality isn't great, but I did managed to get some great shots.

^^^I got some good videos from the show, this one is obviously my favorite because look at the perfect position I was in to get this of Mitch. This is the best video I got because unfortunately I was right next to a girl that was screaming the lyrics and that is what you can hear the most in the recordings.
Regardless the concert was so much fun and my friends and I are already planning to do a repeat when they bring the show to Dallas or Houston later this year. Pentatonix is just one of those groups that I have to see every single time they come close enough - Jessica