Thursday, August 31, 2017

August Snapshots

1. August was a busy reading month for me. I had to catch up and read 6 Harry Potter books to meet my personal deadline of finishing the books before September 1st (the exact day the epilogue in HP7 takes place). I'm so close to finishing the last book and I have loved revisiting this series. I need to make sure that six years don't elapse before my next reread. /// 2. Sunset hitting my shelves. I really want to reorganize my shelves soon.

3. Quick photo opt of Fawkes. He turns a year next month, he's growing up way to fast.

4. I added the After Laughter vinyl and cassette to my collection, because this record is so good. I'm also seeing Paramore again at the end of next month and so these will be on repeat until then. /// 5. Ed Sheeran concert. It was my third time seeing Ed live and every single time I feel the urge to buy a loop pedal. - Jessica

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