I mentioned in my last couple of post that I had a really busy month between homework and school, and I didn't have a lot of time to carve out and read, so I only managed to read 7 books. Here are the books I read and some of my thoughts and opinions on them:
Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake - This is the first book in a duology, that follows triplet princesses, who have to kill each other to become queen. I was so excited when I first heard the plot of this book and I couldn't wait to read it, but I think I set my expectations too high and I didn't enjoy this book as I anticipated. I really enjoyed the plot, but I felt that there was too much focus on the romances in this book and not on the characters or their story. I will still pick up the sequel when it comes out in September, but I won't make it a priority.
King's Cage by Victoria Aveyard - This is the third book in the
Red Queen series. I absolutely love this series, the first book was riddled with cliches but I absolutely fell in love with the story, and this series has evolved so much from the first book. I really loved this installment and I enjoyed the plot and character development. I can't wait for the last book to come out next year, but I'm a little terrified at what the author is going to do with this series.
Midnight Thief and
Daughter of Dusk by Livia Blackburn - This series follows Kyra, a thief, who joins a group of assassins, in an effort to undo the political injustice her town faces. I liked this duology, it was a pretty quick read through and I especially liked the characters.
A Gathering of Shadows by V.E. Schwab - This is the second book in the
Shades of Magic trilogy. I absolutely loved the first book in this series, but I read it almost two years ago and getting back into this world was a little difficult but once I did, I remembered why I loved it so much. I loved how this book focused more on character development, compared to the world building and action packed first book. I also got through half of the last book in February, and I've since then finished it, and I loved it as well.
Twilight: Life and Death by Stephenie Meyer - This is the gender-bent version of
Twilight, that Meyer published for the book's tenth anniversary. I was once a massive
Twilight fan, I was eleven when I read the first book and it was one of my first foray into YA literature, and the series played a pretty large role in my life for about 3 years. I recently watched the first film (for the first time in years) and I had a really strong desire to read this. I was actually surprised by how much I enjoyed this, I originally felt that this book was going to be awful, but I think Meyer pulled off the gender switch really well. I had forgotten how addictive these books can be, and I'm really tempted to reread the series.
The Crown's Dog by Elise Kova - This is the first book, in the prequel trilogy to the
Air Awakens series. I liked this book but it had a lot to live up to, since the
Air Awakens series is one of my favorites. This book was really short and felt more like a novella than a novel, and I wish that this had provided more backstory and development to these characters. I still really enjoyed this, even though I had a couple of problems with it, and I plan on reading the second book this month.
So those are all the books I read in February. I'm hoping to have more time to read this month especially since spring break is coming up. I'm planning on doing a readathon and read at least 5 books, I'll be sharing which books I'm hoping to get to later this week. - Jessica